Drop Bar nightlife

Drop Bar

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Drop Bar

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We're not sure if Drop Bar is so named because it's a great place to drop in for a drink during your night out at Green Valley Ranch, but we'd like to think so. Decked out with a lit purple ambience, Drop Bar takes that, "Hey, here's a bar, let's stop and get a drink," mentality to the next level. It's swanky, yet relaxed and somehow, despite being open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, manages to always have a good crowd and a good vibe going. Roughly the size of your favorite hole-in-the-wall bar from college (only round), Drop Bar is anything but a hole-in-the-wall. Small black cherry-colored glass chandeliers hang from the ceiling, while a large one (with branches that look like some sort of sexy set of insect legs extend out from the center of the room) adorns the space above the circular bar. Seating, which sometimes feels like an afterthought at Sin City's watering holes, abounds, with plush black couches and black leather tasseled bar chairs. Televisions (we count 10) are scattered throughout the bar, sometimes showing music videos that may or may not match up with whatever music's pumping through the venue. During peak nightlife hours, a DJ can be found spinning a mixture of Top 40, rock and hip-hop, which adds to the overall vibe of Drop Bar -- a cool place to get a drink and have a conversation, while not just settling for any old place with a couple bottles of liquor on hand. Located near the center of the casino floor, Drop Bar is definitely the logical place to go ahead and drop in for a drink, but if you do make the stop, you'll see it's more than that. Don't worry if during your first trip, you have a feeling you'll definitely be back. That's normal. -- Review by Jamie Helmick
