Foundation Room nightlife

Foundation Room

Sixty-three stories high inside Mandalay Bay, Foundation Room captures the splendors of a sophisticated night out.

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Foundation Room

15 Votes
When you come to the desert you naturally want to sit in a room adorned with a fireplace, warm lighting and exquisite rugs. We're actually not being sarcastic for once. That's totally what you want. And you can find it all at Foundation Room. On the top floor of Mandalay Bay, high above the House of Blues, Foundation Room stands like a magic carpet owned by a quasi-Eastern gentleman with a penchant for bluesy club spaces. We say "club spaces" because the nightclub milieu with its DJ booth, dance floor, table service layout isn't exactly the atmosphere at Foundation Room. It's more of a club in the sense of a social space for partaking in beverages and discussing culture over the beats of a booming sound system. This isn't the place to dance your brains out while grinding on the guy who's going to buy you a drink next. It's the place to relax on sofas or chairs or barstools that don't actually work that well as conga drums no matter how drunk you get. When you're looking for more socializing than socialites, Foundation Room is where you go to remember that clubs and rock 'n' roll don't have to be mutually exclusive -- the alluring list of guest performers and after parties from shows at the House of Blues prove that. Then there's the view. We waited this long to talk about it because we like teasing you. That's also why we're including this additional, unnecessarily long and wordy sentence that has no other purpose than to keep you away from a description of the view for a few more seconds. Looking northward from the top of Mandalay Bay you can see the Vegas valley like nowhere else. It's the spot you want to stand when you need your vacation to mean something. And it's the party for the people who are old enough that they don't need to be told not to screw around on a balcony that's hundreds of feet off the ground. With food, fun and a fantastic connection to the performances at House of Blues, Foundation Room is a social club that knows how to make a night of it. So find your foundation, whatever craziness that might be, high above Las Vegas.


Inside the hotel.